Rosa Nettleton Obituary Introduction to the Book Synopsis of Early Charlevoix History |
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This book contains approximately 400 pages with an average of 4 articles per page.You can search for topics of interest in one of two ways: Either way, you will laugh, you will cry, you will be amazed will LOVE this! Click on a year and enjoy! P.S. It is not your imagination nor an oversight by this web designer ... 1877, 1887, & 1897 are missing. |
A few great examples: How's this for a fundraising idea? March 5, 1871 The ladies of Charlevoix are up to a thing or two now-a-days and no mistake. They propose keeping pace with the times and have consequently commenced a series of "Neck Tie Parties or Socials," the proceeds to be devoted to the building of a church edifice. The Socials are said to be interesting affairs and are conducted as follows, as near as we can learn: Each lady "comes armed" with a neck-tie built of the same timber as her gown and deposits it with some disinterested person who has been appointed for that purpose. When all have arrived, said disinterested person distributes the neckties among the gentlemen, who as they receive them search out the corresponding calico, the contents of which he must wait upon during the evening, "irrespective of race, color, or previous condition." The first of the season came off last evening at Fox's Hall, and was a pleasant affair. Or the announcement of a new arrival? December 31, 1871 Our apology, if one is due, for the late appearance of the Sentinel this week may be seen on application at our residence, one door west of this office. About seven pounds of female humanity came on Friday morning, and proposes to stay. Friends and patrons congratulate us. Those were the good old days! December 22, 1872 School - We called at the school on Monday and found an orderly lot of pupils, making intellectual headway under the efficient tutorship of Mr. J. M. Whitney. Can our current editor boast this? June 15, 1873 Mosquitos - The editor occupies his spare moments in nailing pickets on a fence in front of his residence. He has been complimented on the alacrity with which he drives home the nail. It is entered in the picket, and a mosquito lights on his manly countenance. Two blows rapidly follow and the nail is out of sight. Then by one skillful maneuver, the blood-thirsty insect is launched into eternity. Ever thought about this as a Michigan export commodity? October 12, 1873 Pigeons - The Lelanau Tribune says: Pigeons are nearly all gone from this section of the country. This season has been a prosperous one for those engaged in snaring them. Since July 1, upwards of 1,000 dozen have been caught by parties in this village. Of these Mr. A. Wrisley has caught about 700 dozen. He informs us that he has caught 12,000 dozen here and other places during the season. They bring from 75 cents to $1 per dozen at this place. The most of them are shipped to New York, where they bring from $2.50 to $3.50 per dozen. Hunters, eat your heart out! January 25, 1874 General Custer reports that in three months, while on the Yellowstone expedition, he killed with a single rifle, forty-one antelopes, four buffaloes, four elks, four bucktail deer, three American deer and two white wolves, besides geese, prairie chickens and other feathered game in large numbers. He also says that the average distance at which the 41 antelopes were brought down exceeded 250 yards by actual measurement, and that he rarely obtained a shot at an antelope under 150 yards, while the range extended from that distance up to 630 yards. Imagine getting "caught by the bridge" in 1875! August 29, 1875 The Bridge: Our shipping has assumed proportions which demand the attention of our highway authorities to the miserable appliances provided for raising the bridge in this village for the passage of vessels. A force of six men is necessary to raise it every time a vessel passed through, when two should be able to do it easily. Our conveniences for accommodation of Commerce should be improved to keep pace with the increase of navigation. A disgrace! November 21, 1885 Be it said to the disgrace of our village and township, we have no public library. A movement in the direction of securing one was made last year but defeated. A village and township of our pretensions should have five hundred volumes at least; and we hope our people will avail themselves of the first opportunity that arises to take this stigma from their good sense and public spirit. |