Charlevoix Public Library  Where your imagination takes flight


BookTalkers Discussion Group

3rd Monday of the month @6pm

Armstrong Conference Room
Registration Required • (231)237-7340

Coming up:

Monday, October 28 (Note: this is the 4th Monday): My Murder by Katie Williams
Please register
Lou, a young mother and wife, is back from the dead. As part of a government project, she and other victims of a serial killer are resurrected with cloning technology and placed back into their former lives. Yet, as the new Lou re-adapts to her old routines, she realizes that disturbing questions remain about what exactly preceded her death and how much she can trust those around her. Eerie and darkly funny, this quirky mystery by Katie Williams will keep you guessing to the end.






Monday, November 18: James by Percival Everett
Please register

The enslaved Jim still hides out on Jackson Island when he overhears news that he’s to be sold and separated from his family, and Huck Finn still encounters him while running away from an abusive father and faking his own death. However, novelist Percival Everett’s re-envisioning of Mark Twain’s classic story presents Jim in a whole new light. (Extra credit if you re-read Huckleberry Finn as well as this inspired re-telling!).





BookTalkers will not meet in December. Happy Holidays!