Charlevoix Public Library  Where your imagination takes flight

Employment & Volunteering

Employment Opportunities

There are no employment opportunities available at this time.

Employment Application

The library accepts applications at all times.  If you would like to submit an application, please complete the Employment Application form, download, attach and email it to:

You may also print a completed application and mail it to:

Ryan Deery, Library Director
Charlevoix Public Library
220 W Clinton St
Charlevoix, MI  49720

Staff Computer Literacy Standards

Volunteering Opportunities

We welcome library volunteers! A few of the volunteer jobs that we encourage include:  program assistance, docents/greeters, gardening, and shelf reading (making sure the books are in order). The Friends of the Library members also have the opportunity to assist with the book sale, become a Library Board member, and/or become a Friends of the Library Board member.

If you wish to become a volunteer complete and submit this volunteer form. We encourage all our volunteers to join the Friends of the Library as well: click here to print a Friends Membership Form. Click here to review the Volunteer Policy.

For further information:

Davonne Rogers, Administrative Coordinator & Librarian