Friends Board 2024
The Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library
“It is thanks to the passion, dedication, and tireless work and support of the Friends of the Library that we are able to serve this community in all of the many ways you have come to expect as well as to go above and beyond.” -Ryan Deery, Director of the Charlevoix Public Library
Hello Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library!
Friends Annual Meeting 2025
Friends Annual Meeting 2025 and Special Presentation for Mary Ann Chew
The Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library annually extends an invitation for all Charlevoix residents to join this non-profit organization. For a nominal fee of $5.00 (individual or family) membership is a way for residents of the area to gain ownership in, become more involved with and actively support their library.
This may be the biggest bargain in town, for while membership money is minimal it packs a big punch. Along with additional donations the proceeds from the on-going and summer Book Sale, monies collected are used to fund projects, concerts, events, programs, exhibitions, and buy books for the children’s section of the library. Membership also affords the opportunity for community members to volunteer.
Membership Form:
To join, click the form, scan the QR code, or mail completed form with your check to; Friends of the Library Membership, c/o Charlevoix Public Library, 220 W. Clinton St., Charlevoix, MI 49720)
Marilyn Novak, Mary Ann Chew, Kay Heise
Photo Credit: Annie Doyle, Charlevoix CourierMichigan Room Committee: This group is the original driving force behind the effort to renovate and create our present library. They continue to contribute by spending countless volunteer hours, and were honored for their contributions at the 16th annual Margaret Duerr Award on Thursday, October 3, 2019.
The Michigan Room Committee is a subsidiary of the Friends group and has been responsible for appraising the rare books collection, preserving historical Charlevoix newspapers, providing obituary records for the Libraries’ webpage, promoting historical exhibitions, and creating the Margaret Duerr Award to honor outstanding citizens or organizations who have made significant contributions to our town.
Friends Volunteers
meet every Wednesday to sort, organize, and shelve used books available for purchase by the public.
Renaissance, Science, Magic and Medicine in Harry Potter’s World Traveling Display
September 2023Projects ranging from the Harry Potter’s World traveling display from the National Library of Medicine, the StoryWalk installation on the library grounds, new snowshoes for check-out, to sound and projection equipment upgrades, and Lifelong Learning as well as other programming, the Friends stand ready to supplement the Library’s budget and consider proposals for funding. Each year the on-going and the annual summer Book Sale nets over $20,000. Along with membership dues and other donations, this viable organization is able to maintain and manage a healthy budget. From 2004-2023, the Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library contributed over $200,000 to the library for special projects.
CPL Friends Projects 2024
CPL Friends Projects 2023
CPL Friends Projects 2022
CPL Friends Projects 2021
Record of Project Expenses 2004-2018
Lifelong Learning:
The Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library with the generous support of funding from Lynne and Mason Rosenthal, continue offering the exciting Lifelong Learning concept for ongoing education. The plan is to offer classes dealing with both local and global issues, targeted at adults who are interested in investigating and in discussing current topics in a small group setting with a knowledgeable facilitator.
Winter-Spring Series 2025
The Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library present Great Decisions as the offering the upcoming Lifelong Learning Series for Winter 2025. This program is a project initiated by the Friends of the Library as a means of providing an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of topics and issues that impact all of us. Classes will be in an open discussion format moderated by Dr. William Wadland.
Go beyond the headlines of today’s issues in this lively discussion group that explores significant global concerns. Great Decisions briefing books, published by the Foreign Policy Association, are the primary resource. These impartial materials provide thought-provoking analysis in a written guide complemented by updates and PBS video segments. These books should be available at the Information Services Desk.
Registration is required to receive the Great Decisions 2025 briefing book, with the expectation that the material will be read before each class. If possible, we ask that families share one book.
Lifelong Learning Program – Great Decisions Schedule
Winter – Spring 2025
Register online or by calling 231-237-7340
Great Decisions Class #1: American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads
William Wadland, MD, Facilitator
Thursday, February 6
1:00 PM – Community Room, Please register
This chapter will explore the contours of the U.S. foreign policy debate as it plays out in a world of multiple and escalating crises and domestic polarization.
Great Decisions Class #2: U.S. Changing Leadership of the World Economy
William Wadland, MD, Facilitator
Friday, March 7
1:00 PM – Community Room, Please register
The U.S. has advanced new ideas about trade, technology, industrial policy, and competition with China. How will the new realities with China impact America’s leadership role?
Great Decisions Class #3: U.S.-China Relations
William Wadland, MD, Facilitator
Thursday, April 3
1:00 PM – Community Room, Please register
Washington’s relations with Beijing have reached an ominous low ebb. Both American political parties have identified China as the country’s preeminent geopolitical challenger and, in the eyes of many, a systemic threat. What is driving this deterioration of Sino-American relations, and what are America’s strategic options in the face of Chinese power and ambition?
Great Decisions Class #4: International Cooperation on Climate Change
William Wadland, MD, Facilitator
Thursday, May 1
1:00 PM – Community Room, Please register
The 2015 Paris Agreement established a UN-sponsored framework for negotiations on climate change and global warming. What is the future of these efforts, and what have they yielded? What is the U.S. role in fostering cooperation on climate change? In a divided country, what are the possible futures for American policy leadership?
Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale – Another Huge Success!
Books, books and more books! Great bargains on thousands of books: mass market, children’s, even rare and collectible books and gently used CDs and DVDs…all on sale at the Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library’s annual book sale.
The sale takes place on the front sidewalk of the Library, continues in the Community Room and in the 2nd floor on-going sale room in order to accommodate the large selection. The Friend’s most significant fund raiser of the year, the annual book sale proceeds are used to fund new books, materials and programs for the Library’s children’s department. Annual sales net over $6000 – this year, raising nearly $10,200!
See the Community Room during the June annual sale below:
Friends Digitize Historical Charlevoix Obituaries
The obituaries from the Charlevoix Journal 1883 to 1890, the Charlevoix Sentinel 1920 to 1936, and the Charlevoix Courier, 1908 to the present day, have all been entered, and are all searchable on the library website!
Soon after the Friends of the Library organized in 1999, a small group of four volunteers, the Michigan Room Committee, began The Obituary Project. The librarians had reported that there was a need for obituary information to be accessible, due to a large demand by genealogy researchers. So the Committee spent two years sorting and saving stacks of unorganized old issues of the local papers found in the basement of the old library. A scanner was purchased by the Friends, permission to use the newspapers was obtained from the publisher, and the first obituary was placed onto the library’s website in 2003.
At an old computer in the basement storage room of the old library, where warmth was supplied by a portable heater, a searchable data base was developed, information was entered, and images of original obituaries were scanned. Â (The current Beyers Friends Room facilities have been a huge upgrade for this work!)
An integral part of the project was for the staff to move forward by adding new obituaries as they appeared in the current papers. Marti Chester, Erika Powell, Linda Adams, and Davonne Rogers have been contributors to this effort, and Roger Gowell has provided technical assistance. Many thanks to them.
Tremendous thanks to the Friends volunteers who have participated in large and small ways to the past fourteen years of data entry! They are:
Eugene Ackert, Suzanne Ackert, Elizabeth Allan, Sarah Benitez, Alberta Beyers, Larry Burgess, Mary Ann Chew, Judy Colt, Jerry Corley, Judy Corley, Toni Felter, Kathy Gowell, Don Heise, Kay Heise, Marilyn King, Marilyn Novak, Nancy Porter, Cynthia Postmus and Mary Snider.
Approximately 16,000 obituaries from over 6,000 newspapers have been entered. Click Here to see what is available.
Margaret Duerr Award:
The Friends of the Charlevoix Public Library present the final
2024 Margaret Duerr Award
Honoring Mike and Rhea DowAnnually, the Friends of the Library group selects an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to the Charlevoix area to receive the Margaret Duerr Award.
On September 10, 2024 at 6pm in the Charlevoix Public Library Community Room the 20th Margaret Duerr Award was presented to Rhea and Mike Dow. Their generosity in time and talent has enriched our town in countless ways. As committed supporters and volunteers for many local organizations they have placed particular emphasis on those which protect, preserve, and beautify our land and water, including Keep Charlevoix Beautiful, the Charlevoix Area Garden Club, and the Lake Charlevoix Association.
Mike and Rhea Dow
Also being recognized are the previous award winners:
2003 Margaret Duerr
2004 Marilyn Boss
2005 Clayton Smith
2006 Karen Lewis
2007 Linda and Richard Mueller
2008 Gordon VanWieren
2009 John Frey
2010 Esther and Tom Carey
2011 David Miles
2012 Lynne and Mason Rosenthal
2014 Belvedere Association
2015 Chicago Club
2016 Charlevoix Council for the Arts / Waterfront Art Fair
2017 Rick Brandi
2018 Larry Levengood
2019 Michigan Room Committee (Cynthia Postmus, Mary Ann Chew, Kay Heise, Marilyn Novak)
2021 Gayle and Lyle Gennett
2022 Sue and John Dixon
2023 Laura and Chip Hansen
The Margaret Duerr Award was established in 2003 in recognition of Margaret’s longtime service to the Library and in particular to the Michigan Room. During her tenure as the Interim Director she organized the move to 109 Clinton Street in 1967.
Previous recipients dating from 2003 include:
Friends of the Library — 2025 Executive Board
The board meets the first Tuesday of every other month at 10 a.m.
President: Steve HallVice President: Sue Parr
Secretary: Tom Richards
Treasurer: Steve Kolb
Members at Large: Diana Hilligan, Mary Millington, Elizabeth Postmus, Sharon Elzinga, Jean Smith, Linda Linklater, Sarah Elgart, Cathy Dufort, Chris Booth, Sherry Sheldon
Membership: Sharon Elzinga
Book Sale: Sue Parr
Lifelong Learning: Tom Richards
Michigan Room Representative: Mary Ann Chew
Publicity: Sarah Elgart
Board of Trustees Representative: Mary Lynn Heid, Tom Conlan
Library Director: Ryan Deery
Updated: 2.18.2025