Pre-K • School Age • Tween • Teen • Young Adult
You may need your library card number to access these resources provided to you by:
Be sure to visit our YouTube page for our virtual programs.
TumbleBooks’ databases are easy to use and feature unlimited access from home or the library. Patrons can read as many books as they want, when they want, and on any device. There are no check-outs, holds, or bulky downloads. Books are available instantly.
Scholastic BookFlix feature a paired fiction story animation, a non-fiction book, comprehension questions and games, and links to additional resources. Patrons can access as many stories as they prefer, there is no limit or checkouts.
Provided to you by Charlevoix Public Library.
Access these resources provided to you from the State of Michigan through your public library: will authenticate you are a MI user geographically by your IP address, so you may get a message regarding the website certificate. To use you can enter your Drivers License or home library card number from a Michigan library if you get this message.
Elementary School • Middle School • High School